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Efet Agreements

These standardized framework agreements for the supply and purchase of electricity or natural gas provide a similar structure to the framework agreements for OTC derivatives published by the International Swaps and Derivatives Association Inc. (ISDA). EFET has commissioned legal opinions on the applicability of the General Electricity and Gas Agreements for many European countries available to EFET members. The applicability of the efet standard conditions in each country may vary depending on local laws and practices. A list of countries and the costs of obtaining such legal advice are available on the EfET website ( The agreements and the accompanying EFET library with additional documentation are currently the industry standards used throughout Europe for the physical trade in electricity and gas. EFET has published two main documents – the EFET General Electricity Agreements (i.e. electricity) and gas, which are standard contracts used by traders to increase liquidity in the wholesale market by providing standardised conditions for underlying transactions. Note that these documents are also available on the EFET website. The General Agreement consists of 23 sections and an election sheet (similar to an ISDA Framework Agreement Plan) in which all agreed additions and amendments to this General Agreement are made. Title: European Federation of Energy Traders (EFET) In addition to the general agreements, EFET has published an annex on credit support to be used with the agreement. This is often used in the market and serves to secure exposure to market price risk through the transfer of collateral.

As a general rule, EFET contracts are settled by physical delivery, which is different from the normal settlement method for transactions in goods under an ISDA framework agreement. As a general rule, buyers and sellers who use the EFET agreement develop their own “home” view of the terms contained in their election document, based on their market position. One of the most important issues to consider when developing such a position and negotiating with counterparties is the credit risk and credit support that the parties are willing to accept or require. Parties without solvency or guarantee of the parent company are generally obliged to resort to commercial banks. The work is led by: EfET Fundamentals for Energy Markets Disclaimer: The resources on this website are usually managed by third-party websites. The World Bank assumes no responsibility for the accuracy, completeness or quality of the information provided or for incorrect links or misplaced resources. Any changes to the website or underlying link may result in changes to the PPPLRC`s analysis and recommendations. The inclusion of materials on this website should not be construed as an obligation to provide funding or as an endorsement by the World Bank of the quality of the document or project.

If you have any comments on any of the links provided in the PPPLRC, please contact us here There are also country- and shopping centre-specific annexes developed by EFET to complement the terms of the general agreements, including: This platform is used to register and publish changes that will become legally applicable to legal entities and shipping due to BREXIT. Registration on this platform is only valid for companies based in the UK. The main advantages of using these documents are the reduction of trading time when few or no changes are made, and the standardization of documentation in this market. The general contract contains a number of standard general conditions for delivery terms, payments, risk of delivery failure and final compensation. These Terms apply to each underlying transaction. In addition to promoting regulatory measures that enable free trade in electricity and gas in a balanced risk environment, EFET has also created standard legal documentation for energy trading. Derivatives Documentation Limited would like to thank our guest blogger Ernst van den Broek, founder of Trading Lawyers (, for this helpful summary of efET agreements. Ernst has over 15 years of experience in the financial sector and regularly negotiates and offers training on ISDA framework agreements, CSAs, GMRAs, SLAGs and EFETs.

Any changes to the standard text must be made in the electoral document and not in the body of the General Agreement. . In any case, general agreements describe the concept of a single agreement very early in the document (in section 1.1), which means that all transactions depend on each other and that a default in a transaction is considered a default for all transactions covered by the agreement The EFET agreement is a framework clearing agreement that can cover an unlimited number of transactions, which are defined as “individual contracts”. Individual contracts contain the economic conditions of each transaction (e.g. B start and end dates, delivery schedules, contract capacity and quantity, price and total costs). If you are a non-UK based company, you can use this platform to identify changes in the UK parties you are dealing with. The European Federation of Energy Traders (EFET) was founded in 1999 and is an association of more than 100 energy traders in 27 European countries operating in the wholesale electricity and gas market. The reason for its creation was the easing of restrictions on the electricity and gas market within the European Union.


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