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Extension Format D`un Fichier Image

Like music or video files, image files also have several formats. The 5 formats that I will detail, which are also the most used, are BMP, TIFF, JPEG or JPG, GIF and PNG. It also helps the operating system to choose the appropriate program so that it can open the file in a compatible way so that it displays correctly. GIF is a good choice for simple images and animations, although converting color images to GIF can lead to unsatisfactory procrastination. As a general rule, modern content should use PNG for lossless and indexed still images and consider apNG for lossless animation sequences. SVG is an XML-based vector graphics format that specifies the content of an image as a set of drawing commands that create shapes, lines, colors, filters, and so on. SVG files are ideal for graphics, icons, and other images that can be accurately drawn in any size. Therefore, SVG is popular for UI elements in modern web design. SVG, EPS, AI, and PDF are examples of vector image file types. In addition, the types of extensions will also tell us a few “things” about the file.

For example, we can identify if the images are rendered or vectorized, if they have been compressed, what color mode they have. One of these aspects, that of rendering and vectorization, deserves to be developed. Images are saved in a specific file format, such as JPEG or PNG. You can convert them from one file format to another. SVG in its version 1.1 is detected and running, starting with Firefox 4+, Chrome 16+, Safari 5+ and Opera 9.5+. SVG is a simple image format for representing simple shapes because the information that describes these shapes (coordinates, colors, effects) is stored as opposed to bitmap images (JPG, PNG, GIF), which must remember the content pixel by pixel. In 1987, online service provider CompuServe introduced the Graphics Interchange Format (GIF) image file format to provide a compressed graphic format that all members of their service can use. GIF uses the Lempel-Ziv-Welch (LZW) algorithm to compress 8-bit indexed color graphics losslessly. GIF was one of the first two graphics formats supported by HTML, along with XBM. The BMP (Bitmap Image) file type is most widely used on Windows computers and is usually only used for special cases in applications and web content. On the other hand, there are vector images that are: This is a raster image format based on pixel mapping, which means that you cannot increase the scale of images without losing quality. Switching from JPEG and PNG to WebP can save storage space on the server and high bandwidth, with image files up to 35% smaller for the same quality.

The following list contains image formats that appear on the web but should be avoided for web content (usually because they don`t have broad browser support or because there are better alternatives). As a result, about 22% of websites use GIFs on their pages, although they probably also use PNGs and JPEGs as standard formats. Each value in a TIFF file is associated with its tag (which specifies what type of information it is, e.B. the width of the image) and its type (which specifies the format in which the data is stored), followed by the length of the array of values to assign to this tag (all properties are stored in arrays, including unique values). This allows you to use different types of data for the same properties. For example, the width of an image, ImageWidth, is stored using tag 0x0100 and is an array with an input. Specifying Type 3 (SHORT) stores the value of ImageWidth as a 16-bit value: we all know what an image is, don`t we? A digital file in which you can see a visual representation of everything, whether it exists or not. The photos we take, the drawings we make, the retouching we add, the logos we create. These are images that we have in digital form in this case, that is, they do not exist physically. A PDF version is a universal file format that preserves the fonts, images, layout, and graphics of the source document, regardless of the application used to create it. PDF files can be shared, viewed and printed by anyone using the free Adobe Reader software.

Some PDF files can be used for commercial, digital and/or desktop printing. In addition, since the files are not compressed, two images with the same definition always have the same size. The compression offered by this format is lossless compression with a quality of 5 to 25% higher than GIF compression. For example, an image measuring 800 x 600 pixels weighs 1.37 MB. Bitmap (BMP) is an outdated image file format that allows you to map individual pixels with little or no compression. This means that BMP files can easily become extremely large and uncomfortable to store or edit. This makes PNG a more popular choice for infographics, banners, screenshots, and other graphics containing both images and text. XBM (X Bitmap) files were the first to be supported on the web, but are no longer used and should be avoided as their format has potential security issues. Modern browsers haven`t supported XBM files for many years, but if you`re dealing with older content, you can still find some.

What a lack of knowledge about the free world! What about the xcf format? No mention that SVG is Inkscape`s default format? The world of graphics doesn`t stop at Adobe`s 🙁 software Instead of the 256 shades per color channel (8-bit) available in a JPEG file, RAW files offer up to 16,384 shades per color channel (14-bit) in a single image. This gives you more flexibility when you need to change colors and contrast in post-processing. AVIF is supported on the desktop in Chrome, Opera, and Firefox (Firefox supports still images, but not animations). Because the support is not yet complete (and has little historical depth), you need to provide a fallback in WebP, JPEG, or PNG format using the element (or any other approach).

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