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Do You Have to Sign a Contract with T Mobile

Except as permitted by applicable law, you may not assign, transfer, sublicense, copy, reproduce, redistribute, resell, modify, decompile, attempt to derive or reverse engineer the source code of the Software, or modify, disable or circumvent the digital rights management security features incorporated into the Software. The software may not be transferable from one device to another. You may not create derivative works of all or part of the Software. You agree that the Software may contain proprietary content and information owned by T-Mobile, its licensors and/or other third parties. T-Mobile, its licensors and such other third parties reserve the right to modify, suspend, terminate, remove, restrict or disable access to the Software at any time without notice, and accept no liability in this regard. You agree that your breach of the Software License will harm T-Mobile, its licensors and/or other third parties, that such damages cannot be fully remedied by monetary damages, and that T-Mobile, its licensors and such other third parties will be entitled to an immediate injunction in addition to all other available remedies. There are also other provisions in the contract, such as a $35 activation fee and a clause stating that you may not be able to change plans after signing. The contract stipulates that the customer reimburses the new smartphone in monthly installments for 24 months. In this case, our source paid $99.99 upfront for the Z10 and agreed to pay $18 per month for 24 months.

The TTY calls 911. 911 calls from a TTY will not work if Wi-Fi calls or voice over LTE (“VoLTE”) are used. If you cannot make a voice call to 911, T-Mobile recommends using an Internet-based telecommunications relay service such as video relay service, IP relay service or IP captioned telephone service. T-Mobile Real-Time Text (“RTT”) technology is also available on T-Mobile`s network and can be used on some devices to contact 911. For more information, see At a press conference in New York on Tuesday, Legere, who wore a blazer, t-shirt, jeans and pink lace-up sneakers, casually dropped swearing while mocking his competitors, saying they would intentionally confuse customers with unclear two-year contracts and punish them with fees for exceeding data limits or terminating contracts earlier. Before I go any further, let me introduce you to this by saying that I don`t know how much you currently pay for your Verizon Wireless service, because you didn`t specify it in your question. So when I go through the numbers and compare the services, I`m going to compare T-Mobile`s new plan with Verizon`s current plans that sell it to new mobile customers. If you have a different plan, you`ll need to compare prices yourself to see how much money you can save. You can see that T-Mobile offers the best deal, especially for those individual contracts. But there`s another fee to consider on this monthly bill, and that`s the price of the phone.

At AT&T and Verizon, the most popular phone plans cost more than $100 per month with a two-year contract for limited data. The iPhone 5 costs at least $200 on their networks with a two-year contract. We may contact you free of charge at any wireless phone number assigned to your account for any purpose, including marketing, and in any way permitted by law. You also expressly agree to be contacted by us and anyone who contacts you on our behalf for any purpose, including billing, collection or other purposes related to the account or service, a telephone number or a physical or email address where you can be reached, including a cordless phone number. You agree that T-Mobile and anyone who contacts you on our behalf may communicate with you in any way, including using a pre-recorded or artificial voice, using an automatic phone dialer to make calls or send messages or alerts, or using an automatic messaging system to send email messages. If a contact number you have provided to us is no longer your number, you agree to inform us immediately that you can no longer be reached at that number. You represent that you have obtained consent from all authorized users and other users of your account for us to contact us as described in this section and that you are authorized to submit it to us. You agree that all consents given in this section also extend beyond the termination of your Service and Account. T-Mobile does not enter into any contract. You only pay per month for your plan. Payments per device would be additional and, if funded, would require a 24-month payment agreement, unless they were paid in full or paid earlier.


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