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Contract Enel 2021

The contract was concluded on the centralised market of bilateral electricity contracts – the PCCB-LE-flex exchange method managed by the Romanian Electricity and Gas Market Operator (OPCOM) covering the period from 1 January to 31 December 2022. The Romanian nuclear company Nuclearelectrica, which operates the Cernavoda nuclear power plant, has signed a wholesale electricity contract worth RON 902 million (180 million euros) with the local subsidiary of the French energy supplier Enel, Enel Energie, according to a report presented on 2nd December on the Bucharest Stock Exchange, listed by the daily Adevarul. In addition to the 217 TWh that will be produced in 2020, we sell and distribute energy to our customers and have developed a wide range of products and services. First in Italy, then in more than 30 countries, our energy has strengthened human progress. But no matter how fast we grow, we will never be able to exert enough influence over ourselves. That is why we have opened up to all kinds of cooperation. That`s why we`ve become a platform for open power… We believe that by working together, we can create a new energy era in which the world can become more sustainable. But as our ability to strengthen society, so has our interest in innovative technologies. And as global energy problems have become more apparent, our sense of purpose has become clearer. Our global reach extends from Europe to Latin America, North America, Africa, Asia and Oceania.

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