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Association Agreement Turkey

The conditions for the application of the provisions of this Agreement in other areas to those territories shall be determined subsequently by agreement between the Parties. The Parties agree to develop a consultation procedure to ensure the coordination of their trade policies vis-à-vis third countries and mutual respect for their interests in this field, including in the event of subsequent accession or association of third countries with the Community. agreements with the ACP States (African, Caribbean and Pacific countries); Objective: To introduce a common external tariff and preferences for action with the EU, to promote the economic development of the partner states → development association. The EEC had already signed an Association Agreement with Turkey in 1963 (the second agreement after the one concluded with Greece in 1961); this agreement was subsequently supplemented by various additional protocols and resolutions. The main objective of the association was and still is the strengthening of trade and economic relations. The resolutions aimed to ensure the free movement of workers and pave the way for Turkey`s accession to the EU. With the conclusion of the agreement, Turkey initially committed itself to progressively establishing free movement and aligning itself with a common customs tariff. The text of the contract can be found here. European Free Trade Association (EFTA) with Norway, Iceland and SwitzerlandObjective: To promote free trade while adapting the legal system to Community law → free trade association. CustomsThe EU-Turkey customs union was created in 1996 by the so-called Ankara Agreement (Ankara Agreement, OJ L 217 of 29 December 1964). This agreement created a common customs territory: since then, goods produced in the customs territory or imported into the customs territory and cleared through customs can be transferred duty-free to other parts of the customs union.

A common external tariff has also been introduced (for more information on this, see Transport and Customs). Eastern Partnership with Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Moldova, Ukraine and Belarus Objective: to intensify political dialogue, conclude free trade agreements. Europe Agreements: Following the upheavals in Central and Eastern Europe in 1989, the EU concluded so-called Europe Agreements with Poland, Hungary, the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Bulgaria, Romania, Slovenia, Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania. Objective: Creation of a free trade area, accession to the EU sought for partner states → accession association; countries finally joined in 2004 and 2007 respectively. 2. This phase shall last a maximum of twelve years, subject to derogations which may be made by mutual agreement. Derogations shall not preclude the definitive establishment of the customs union within a reasonable time. The objectives of the EU-EEC Association Agreements are very different and, in the past, very different: for Greece, the 1961 Association Agreement was a precursor to EU accession in 1981.

The agreement aimed to bring the country closer to the EU. The agreements with Malta and Cyprus were concluded in the early 1970s and were initially aimed at allowing for a customs union. In retrospect, it is clear that they facilitated the eventual accession of the two countries. The Ankara Agreement (association between the Republic of Turkey and the European Economic Community) is an agreement intended to pave the way for Turkey`s accession to the European Economic Community. The Association Agreement with Turkey provides rights for Turkish nationals and obliges the Ministry of the Interior to apply old and more generous rules to them. The UK Home Office`s initial practice of interpreting the agreement to apply only to those already in the UK was changed in 2009 to provide Turkish nationals with a way to apply for visas to come to the UK under the terms of the agreement. Ankara`s agreement will not be extended to Turkish citizens who entered the UK illegally. There is an agreement between the European Union and Turkey that grants special rights to Turkish nationals. In the past, the EU had association agreements with countries such as Bulgaria, Romania, Poland and other states that have now joined the EU. These allowed nationals of these countries to work independently in the United Kingdom.

Nationals of these countries, including people who came to the UK under the old Association Agreements, now have the right to work as self-employed persons in the UK because they are members of the European Union. An Association Agreement is an international treaty between the European Union or the European Economic Community (EEC) and a third country. With the conclusion of this agreement, both sides create a special type of relationship and basis for cooperation. However, the content and objectives differ from one agreement to another. Particularly close economic cooperation with a view to establishing largely unrestricted trade between the participating countries and lifting restrictions on the movement of goods is an essential common aspect of the special reciprocal status established by the Agreement. .

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